
The capacity to focus on oneself and how one's behaviors, ideas, or emotions line up with one's internal standards is known as self-awareness. High levels of self-awareness allow you to assess yourself objectively, control your emotions, connect your actions with your ideals, and accurately gauge how others see you.

There are two types of self-awareness,

Public self-awareness

  • Being conscious of our appearance to others. We are more likely to follow social standards and act in ways that are acceptable in society because of this consciousness.
Private self-awareness

  • Being able to observe and consider one's inner state. Private self-aware people are introspective and approach their emotions and responses with interest.
With self-awareness, we can clarify our values, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, strength and weaknesses. We are able to recognize the effect that we have on others. We can understand how people view us. 

Benefits of self-awareness
  1. It makes us happier
  2. Decreases stress
  3. Helps us build better relationships
  4. Allows us to understand things 
  5. Gives us power to influence outcomes
  6. Helps to become better decision-maker
